Sunday, April 17, 2011


I took some pictures from our balcony of the city of Barlad.  As you can see, it’s quite a mixture, everything from ramshackle shacks to modern supermarkets.  There are no skyscrapers, but there are a quite a few high-rise apartment blocks.  I understand that the population is about 50,000.

There are a lot of Gypsies here in Barlad.  In the foreground of this picture you can see a group of Gypsy women walking along the street.  They wear long colorful skirts, and are quite striking.

In the distance in this picture you can see a huge pink house, which is the home to the King of the Gypsies.  Or, I should say, it will be his home eventually.  Apparently it is not finished yet, and he and his family continue to live across the street in what looks like a pretty squalid little compound.  Note the spires:  they are capped with what appears to be a hammered tin.


  1. Oh the views of the city of Barlad from the windows of the Occident Hotel! Hope all goes well for you this trip. Looking forward to your posts.
