Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Bathrooms of Barlad

Few things concern American travelers more than the bathrooms at their destinations.  I have therefore assembled this little photo essay on the bathrooms of Barlad.

Bathroom in our room at the Hotel Occident
(by the way, I found out what that smell is, and it's not backed-up sewers;
it's the high sulphur content of the water.  So I bought some air freshener, and we're fine.)

First floor bathroom in the Children's Hospital:
old but adequate
(sorry I don't know how to turn pictures around!)

Sinks this morning in the hospital first floor bathroom
(but they were fixed later in the day)

Third floor bathroom
(employee lounge?)

The Third-Floor Bathroom, aka the "Squatty Potty"


  1. squatty potty.... I don't like the sound of that.. or the looks

  2. You have proven that my bathroom concerns as an American traveller are completely well-founded.
